
Strengthening the Jewish Community Through Education

What does CAJE stand for?

CAJE stand for Conference Alternative for Jewish Educations.

NewCAJE’s Mission

NewCAJE’s mission is to connect, inspire and affirm all Jewish educators to build a stronger Jewish community. We raise up Jewish educators through transformational experiences, professional development and Jewish learning in a joyful and intentional community. We advocate on behalf of each other and our profession so that Jewish educators can do their best work every day.

Inclusion Statement

NewCAJE is an environment in which all individuals or groups involved in the transmission of Jewish education and culture are welcomed, respected, supported and valued. All Jewish educators are encouraged to join us regardless of skin color, cultural and/or national background, gender identity, abilities and/or challenges. 

NewCAJE’s Story

The original CAJE was founded in 1976 and over the next 32 years change the landscape of Jewish education in the US and beyond.

It brought together more than 30,000 people to share ideas, learn from each other, and grow as educators. Every one of them went home and taught what they’d learned. In 32 years, conservatively speaking, over 600,000 children and adults were enriched because their teacher had been to CAJE.

CAJE strengthened us and made us proud to be doing the holy work of linking one generation to the next. It brought together amazing individuals who dedicated their lives to the Jewish people. It provided a path for innovation and best practices to spread from coast to coast. It inspired us, broadened our perspective and lifted our spirits. We in turn did the same for our students.

A generation of seasoned educators is interacting with a new generation of Jewish educators to formulate a vision for an organization that will move into the future with this and every new generation of educators. Some of the principles of the NewCAJE seem timeless:

  • NewCAJE is a pluralistic organization which embraces every denominational division of Judaism.
  • NewCAJE brings together all settings of Jewish education: day schools, complementary schools, camps, JCC’s, independent schools and afterschool programs, online programs–just to name a few.
  • NewCAJE welcomes anyone involved in the transmission of  Jewish culture, custom and belief. We believe it is the responsibility of each generation to transmit the literature, ideas and ideals of Judaism to every new generation.
  • NewCAJE include people in all job descriptions in the field including both professional and lay leaders: classroom teachers, youth group leaders,  administrators, clergy, lay leaders, parents, artists, musicians, storytellers, entrepreneurs, authors, professors, etc.  All these are teachers in our eyes and we believe that everyone has room to learn and something valuable to teach.
  • NewCAJE advocates for Jewish education and for Jewish teachers as we have widely defined them.
  • NewCAJE is a forum where new ideas are explored, new talent welcomed, and a multitude of ideas and resources shared.
  • NewCAJE holds conferences annually. These conferences emphasize the sharing of information, techniques and problem solutions. They include the goal of deepening the educators grasp of both Jewish and educational learning. They create a network of support for Jewish educators and a conduit to innovation.

As NewCAJE moves into the future, it will continue to articulate timely new principles that will guide its vision, but one thing is clear: Jewish educators have a common love–our people, our heritage and our tradition of learning. And we all have a common dream–that we can somehow affect those most important to us–our students, their parents and the communities that we serve.

NewCAJE will not be the same as CAJE. It is a NEW century and there are NEW demands on Jewish educators. There are NEW technologies and NEW approaches and NEW students and a NEW generation of educators. We will explore all of these alternatives with an open heart. The seasoned educators will both mentor and partner with talented emerging educators. NewCAJE is a NEW beginning for Jewish education. NewCAJE will ask NEW questions and find NEW solutions. That is what the New in NewCAJE stands for.

IRS Form 990s

  1. 2010 IRS Form 990
  2. 2011 IRS Form 990
  3. 2012 IRS Form 990
  4. 2013 IRS Form 990
  5. 2014 IRS Form 990
  6. 2015 IRS Form 990
  7. 2016 IRS Form 990
  8. 2017 IRS Form 990
  9. 2018 IRS Form 990
  10. 2019 IRS Form 990
  11. 2020 IRS Form 990

Why Choose Us

Elevating Jewish Education Together

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Join us in our mission to unite, inspire, and support Jewish educators worldwide. Together, let’s create a better future for Jewish education.

Take Action Today


Grateful to all those who have contributed to the growth and support of NewCAJE

Together, we will create a lasting support system for Jewish Educators.SPECIAL GIFTS

The Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Margery S. Wolf Donor Advised Fund


Everett Fox & Cherie Koller-Fox
Jerry & Cindy Benjamin
Cindi & Jared Gellert
Debi Swedelson Mishael
The Jerry Stein Fund


Bruce Arbeit
Congregation Anshe Chesed, New York, NY
Robert Bankirer
Marvin G. Barish, In Memory of Shirley Barish
Roselyn Bell
Cheryl Bensky
Congregation Beth Shalom of Naperville, IL
Andrée Brooks David & Mindy Fishman & Seidlin
Sol and Doris Freed
Bill and Sheryl Freed
Allen and Iris Glick
The Greensboro Jewish Federation
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Marvin Israelow & Dorian Goldman
Institute for Jewish Activism Fund
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest New Jersey
Jewish Federation of MASS
Laura Lauder
Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation
Sue Resnick
Peninnah Schram
Cherie Karo Schwartz
Peter Stark
Joshua Troderman
Arnee and Walt Winshall
Grace Wolf
Jonathan Wolf


Ellen Allard
Matia Angelou
Sherry Barsky
Ellen Berman
Hana & Eyal Bor
Dara Brosler
Joanie Calem
Beth Davidson
Elihu & Sheira Davison
Charki Dunn
Marge Eiseman
Norman Fassler-Katz
Karen Fox
Ilana Garber
Joanne Glosser
Gay Griffith
Ruz Gulko
Shoshana Hantman
Helene & Michael Kates
Sherry Knazan
Cecile & Keith Kowalski
Roberta, Larry, Beth, Glenn, & Peri Kozinn & Barest
Susan Leff
Maxwell Lewis
Barb Moskow
Barbara Orville
Julie Plaut Warwick
Elizabeth Portnoy
JoHanna Potts
Daniel Price
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
Amy Ripps
Jeri Robins
Sunny Schnitzer
Nancy Sheftel-Gomes
BeLinda Singer
Paul Solyn
Elliot & Barbara Spack
Chana Stein
Ahouva Steinhaus
Joel Weissglass
Diana Yacobi


Davida Adelberg Carla Adivi
Ann & Jim Anderson Lisa Arber
Lorraine Arcus
Fran Avni
Heidi Aycock
Julia Babka-Kurzrock
William Berkson
Laura Berman
Barbara Biran
Barbara Birenbaum
Sylvia Bloom
Lee Brice
Joe Buchanan
Gail Buchbinder
Judy Caplan Ginsburgh
Allison Checkoway
Marilyn Cohen
Cheryl Cohen
Treasure Cohen
Mina Cohen
Susan Colin
Columbia Jewish Congregation
Coriphery Holistic Consulting Solutions
Orli Cotel
Lisa Doob
Robin Eisenberg
Susan Elkodsi
Karma Fordis Lindner
Melinda Freed
Marla Friedman
Heather Gale
Sam Glaser
David Greenstein
Judye Groner
Susan Gulack
Abigail Halpern
B’nai Harim Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Edith Harris
Tamar Herman
Josn Hersch
Sue Horowitz
Anita Ip
Suri Jacknis
Ruth Jaffe
Cathy Kaplan
Nancy Kaplan
Larry Karol
Lawrence Karol
Larry & Marilyn Katz
Bonnie Kohn
Am Kolel Marcia Lane
Laura Lenes Ron Lesser
Ira & Julia Levin Stan Levy
Stu Lewis
Sandra Lilienthal
Janet Lipkin Fish
Carolyn Lippman
Stephanie Marshall
Charles Miller
Leslie Millrod
Sharon Mills
Lynnie Mirvis
Reuben Modek
Jessica Morris
Michal Morris Kamil
Leslie & Mike Newman
Beth Novik
Stephen H. & Laura Z. Olson Philanthropic Fund
Allison Peiser
Melissa Pescatore
Colin Pier-Silver
Harvey Raben
Rachel Raz
Judi Resnick
Linda Ripps
Nancy Rosen
Minerva Rosenberg
Suzanne Rubens
Sandy Samuel
Deborah Sarna
Beth Schlossberg
Joyce Schriebman
Neil Schwartz
Lori Shaller
Ilona Shechter
Robbi Sherwin
Andrea Shupack
David Silver
Alanna Sklover
Rachel Sternheim
Cheryl & Marc Stober
Beth Styles
Abi Taylor-Abt
Miriam Van Raalte
Tobie Weisman
Alison Westermann
Tanya Wisoker Conley
Debbie Wizig
Mark Young


Joshua Ackman
Diane Adler
Laurie Akers
Susan Aronow
Sondra Asch
Dasha Baker
Judith Barclay
Ilene Beckman
Nancy Beller-Krieger
Iris Bendahan
Esther BenDavid
Lynn Bennett
Melanie Berman
Lisa Bialkin
Julie Blair
Shalom Bochner
Sue Brown
Sheri Brown
Vanina Bunton
Erica Capello
Neshama Carlebach
Ila Cherney
Judi Cloutier
Danna Cohen
EJ Cohen
Joshua Cohen
Sharon Cohen
Burton Cohen
Sheryn Cohen
Babette Cohn
Becky Combest
David Cooper
Benjamin Crowne
Zoe Cyrluk
Charles Dietz
Elisheva Edelson
Helena Eilenberg
Jill Eisen
Ellen Eisenstat
Shirie Eshel
Barbara Fabricant
Sarit Ferreira
Rena Feuerstein
Jordana Fink
Batsheva Frankel
Leeor Frankel
Yossie Frankel
Susan Frankel
Morissa Freiberg
Naomi Gabai-Fisher
Melinda Gallagher
Nina Gelman-Gans
Renee Golan
Bonni Goldberg
Deborah Goldstein
Jane Golub
Rebecca Goodman
Julie Gordon
Janie Grackin
Michelle Greenfield
Nicki Greninger
David Griffith
Leslie Grossman
Elizabeth H. Hoover
Sarah Harlan
Beatriz Haymer
Marilyn Heiss
Melissa Herman
Joan Hersch
Sarah Higgins
Paula Hoffman
Dorice Horenstein
Robert Houghton
Katy Izygon
Rena Jaffe
Michelle Jenkins
Taylor Sarah Jew
Heidi Kahn
Sara Kaminski
Peggy Karlin Kroll
R. Karpov
Danielle Kassin
Amy Kassiola
Nur Katz
Linda Kaufman
Lori Kipnes
Ellen Kipnis
Alyshia Klein
Ben Zion Kogen
Tirtza Kohan
Michaela Korakin
Helene Kornsgold
Scott Kramer
Dawn Kreisberg
Bradlee Kurland
Michele Lainof
Leslee Lauritzen
Leora Lazarus
Orna Lenchner
Elana Levitz
Sheri Levson
Benjamin Levy
Beth Liberman
Eliana Light
Eric Lindberg
Meredith Liron
Susan Mandelbaum
Lita Marishak
Natalya Martyushova
Ellie Matsuoka
Rae Jeanne McDonald
Larry Milder
Goldie Milgram
Miriam Miller
Hal & Sandy Miller-Jacobs
Yocheved Mintz
Dorie Mishael
Baruch Morris
Kathryn Morton
Sharon Morton
Nancy Parkes
Jack Paskoff
Frances Pearlman
Batya Podos
Janice Pollack Mehring
Elana Ponet
Lisa Rauchwerger
Rebecca Redner
Stefanie Retin
Melanie Ribich
Louise Riddell-Kaufman
Vanessa Ripps
Candace Rothstein
Rebecca Rubin
Sara Rubinow Simon
Cassandra Sagan
Cindy & Mark Saper
Henry Schaffer
David Schwartz
Talya Schwarzer
Julie Schwarzwald
Diane Schwindt
Susan Shane-Linder
Mindy Shapiro
Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg
Lori Shulman
Joyce Siegel
Raizel Small
Jamie Smartt
Ilana Snapstailer
Nancy Sohn Swartz
Ardyth Sokoler
Ellen Statman
Naomi Steinberg
Rachel Stern
Kaya Stern-Kaufman
Sara-Jean Tamen Lipmen
Ronni Ticker
Bari Tolliver
Courtney Underwood Savercool
Barbara Weisman
Heather White
Mor Yelvington
Doni Zasloff
Rain Zohav
Synagogue House of Miriam Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

We would like to dedicate this special space to the life members of CAJE. This list is from the 2004 CAJE program book, the last to list life members. We thank you for your generous support of Jewish Education, and hope that you will continue to help us with our vision for the 21st century—NewCAJE.

Ellen Abrahams Brosbe
Judith Abrams
Sylvia Abrams
Mitchell Ackerson
Michael Aichenbaum
Sanford Akselrad
Janice Alper
Joel Alpert
David Altshuler
Harlene Appelman
Bruce Arbit
Suzanne Arnold
David Arnovitz
Andi Arnovitz
Bob Arnow
Joan Arnow
Melanie Aron
Bradley Artson
Ofelia Averack
David Backman
Marvin Barish
Richard Barker
Dina Barze’ev-Hochbaum
Eliot Baskin
Michael Bass
Kim Beame
Ellen Beller
Els Bendheim
Jerry Benjamin
Cheryl Bensky
Mandell Berman
Alison Bermant
Toni Bloomberg- Grossman
Steven Bogad
Ely Braun
Arthur Brody
Noa Bourke
Thomas Buchler
Richard Calvert
Judy Caplan-Ginsburgh
Janet Carter
Rose Ann Chasman
Fred Claar
Deborah Clayman
Melissa Cohavi
Arnold Cohen
Annebelle Cohen
Harvey Cohen
Mina Cohen
Richard Cohen
Robert Cohen
Treasure Cohen
Aviva Comet-Murciano
Selena Cousin
Ralph Dalin
Karen Daniel
Rochelle Daube
Janice Davidson
Sherrie Davidson
Carol Delton
Naomi Demuth
Liz Diamond
Rick Dinitz
Barry Dolin
Elliot Dorff
Marlynn Dorff
Perry Dornstien
Judith Douglass
Lori Dreffin
Ellen Dreyfus
Jonina Duker
Adrian Durlester
Tamar Earnest
Linda Ecker
Selma Ehrenfreund
Gloria Einstein
Barbara Elish
Dov Elkins
Shulamith Elster
Larry Engelhart
Marlene Engelhart
Ari Epstein
Janice Epstein
Joan Epstein
Noah Epstein
Sandra K. Epstein
Larry Eschler
Edith Everett
David Fass
Morley Feinstein
Barbara Fellner
Marsha Fensin
Steven Fink
Stephen Fisch
Judah Fish
David Fishman
Jacqueline Fleekop
Paul Flexner
Joan Florsheim
Janet Forman
David Freedman
Cheryl Friedman
Deborah Friedman
Freda Friedman
Randee Friedman
B. Frydman-Kohl
Naomi Gabai-Fisher
Sandra Gander
Andrew Gilbert
Nancy Ginsberg
Ilan Glazer
Marla Goldberg
Carol Goldblatt
David Goldstein
Zelda Goodman
Roberta Goodman
Ronald Graner
Jonathan Greenberg
Gayla Greenberg
Harold Grinspoon
Joel Grishaver
Daniel Grossman
Deena Grossman
Susan Gulack
Eric Gurvis
Ken Hailpern
Helene Harpman
Edith Harris
Jonathan Hausman
Minna Heilpern
Judith Helman
Marlene Herman
Joan Hersch
Carolyn Starman Hessel
Adah Hirschfeld
Fran Hirschman
David Hoffman
Barbara Hoffman
Margie Holzer
Peter Hronik
Susan Huntting
Mitchell Hurvitz
Rebecca Isgur
Janet Jablon
Rebecca Jacoby
Michael Jaffe
Reuven Jaffe
Cecile Jordan
Ruth Jordan
Robin Joseph
Reuel Karpov
Betsy Katz
Joanna Katz
Lawrence Katz
Sandra Katz
Stuart Kelman
Jessie Ker-Whitt
Temma Kingsley
Linda Kirsch
Barbara Klaristenfeld
Stanley Kleckner
Elliott Kleinman
Diane Kleinman
Rosalyn Koch
Robert Kogod
Cherie Koller-Fox
Gene Korff
Deborah Kornberg
Cynthia Kravitz-Entin
Lena Krebs
Shelly Kreiger
David Kishef
Terry Krulwich
Gillian Kulp
Paul Kurland
Ruth Kerlandsky
Howard Kurshner
Mary Jean Kurshner
Richard Kushnir
Candace Kwaitek
Cheryl Lane
Luisa Latham
Yael Lazar
Barbara Leff
Malcolm Leinwohl
Devra Lerner
Rona Lesser
Fran Levey
Marcia Levinsohn
Neil Levy
Henia Lewin
Lynn Liberman
Jonathan Lifschutz
Marcel Lindernbaum
Jillian Lisner
Hannah Litowitz
Bonita Malit
Susan March
George Marcus
Michelle Marcus
Phillip Marcus
Ellen Masters
Myrna Matsa
Batsheva Meiri
Michael Mellen
Florence Melton
Laurence Milder
Goldie Milgram
Milton Miller
Sue Mizrahi
Bonnie Morris
Robert Morris
Robin Morris
Jo Ann Morrison
Sharon Morton
Gary Moskowitz
Sharon Feiman-Nemser
Raquel Newman
Janet Novins
Brian Opitz
Jodi Oskin
Barbara Oslick-Brown
Aaron Panken
Aviva Panush
Stephen Parkoff
Barbara Parkoff
Jordan Parr
Ruth Patt
Amy Perlin
Sara Perman
Iris Petroff
Rachel Petroff
Peter Pogany
Ruth Pogany
Frumeth Polasky
Janet Pont
Charles Posternak
Daniel Pressman
Michael Price
Jo-Ann Price
Lauren Pulver
Judith Race
Judith Radousky
Diane Rauchwerger
Ina Regosin
Susan Resnick
Arnold Resnicoff
Susan Rifkin
Amy Ripps
Carnie Rose
Lisa Rosenberg
Michael Rosenthal
Jessica Roskin
Barbara Rosoff
Seymour Rossel
Miriam Brun Ruberg
Dov Rubin
Diane Samet
Dena Saslaw
Jeffrey Schein
Alvin Schiff
Kyla Epstein Schneider
Peninnah Schram
Cherie Karo Schwartz
Patricia Schwartz
James Schawrz
Neil Schwartz
Linda K Schottenstein
Merril Shapiro
Thelma Shenkman
Michael Sherman
Nadine Siegman
Shoshana Silberman
Michael Silver
Jerry Silverman
Gail Simon
Kurt Simon
Alan Sims
Ronni Sims
Betty Singer
Ellen Singer
Bonnie Slavitt-Moore
Amy Small
Roger Smith
Barbara Sofer
Eliot Spack
Tamar Spanier
Mark Staitman
Carol Starin
Peter Stark
Olivia Starman
Jonathan Stein
Myron Stern
Marc Sternfeld
Arlene Sterfeld
Lisa Stone
Barbara Stoner
Mark Strauss-Cohn
Karen Strok
Joseph Sumner
Sandra Suson
Barbara Sussman
Burton Sutker
Roberta Sutker
Daniel Syme
Ronald Symons
Neri Tischler
John Uhlmann
Faye Ullmann
Miriam Van Raalte
Morton Wachtler
Joan Wallis
Sharon Wassberg
David Wattenberg
Christine Wattenberg
Francine Weaver
Sharon Wechter
Barbi Weinberg
Michael Weinberg
Jody Weinberg
Caren Weintraub
Seth weiss
Gisela Weisz
Stephen Weitzman
Henny Wenkart
Jane West Walsh
Elizabeth Wexford
Alan Weiner
Abby Weiner
Shohama Weiner
Sheryl Witlin Bogad
Jonathan Wolf
Marcia Wollner
Rochelle Wynne
Diana Yacobi
Bebbye Zanerhaft
Shoshanah Zaritt
Geri Zeller
Nancy Zimmerman
Edward Zissman
William Zoske
Leonard Zucker
Julie Zupan
Ellen Zuskin