Our FAQ’s

Overview & Conference FAQ

Conference Schedule

We will provide 3 meals a day and snacks in our Kosher kitchen. The day begins with a minyan maybe yoga and breakfast. Following breakfast there will be two sessions in an hour and a half each with a break in between. Following lunch, there are often special events followed by two-and-a-half-hour sessions and dinner. Following dinner, there are evening programs, which include music, storytelling, and other Jewish arts and games. The last event of the evening is Kumitz, where people gather formally to sing and socialize. 

On Sunday morning, there will be intensive sessions, including one on anti-semitism, one on Israel, and a field trip to study the refugee crisis. You will receive further information about them as they become available.

The NewCAJE 15th annual conference will be held from Sunday, July 28 to Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at University of California San Diego.

Come early for the pre-conference Shabbat on Friday, July 26!

Registration is open now and closes on July 8, 2024.

For more information about submitting a workshop, click this link.

Please feel free to reach out to Carla Friend at carla@newcaje.org.

The dorms at UCSD are suites where you share a bathroom with one or two others. There are both single and double rooms available. We tried to match people by their interests and sleeping schedules to be roommates. There are hotels in LaJolla, but they are very expensive now because our conference is at the same time as Comic-Con in San Diego. We are not providing transportation from the hotel to the conference. We really recommend you stay at the conference as soon as possible and we will try to meet your special needs requests.

We offer convenient golf cart transportation between buildings. Sessions will be split between two buildings. For specific accommodation needs, contact Stacey at stacey@newcaje.org. Notify us of any food allergies for tailored arrangements.

At NewCAJE we learn from each other and from expert from the field. The program committee is busy accepting workshops and putting together an excellent conference for you.

We will send periodic emails with presenters and their topics but in order to make sure the program is up-to-date we don’t publish the whole program until the beginning of July, 2024.

If you want to get a good idea of what the programs are like, look at past conference books in the “Past Conferences” tab on our website.

You will find a section on your registration form where you can tell us what you can do to help.  We’ll contact you from there.

If you didn’t write it on your form, contact stacey@newcaje.org. You can also visit the Volunteer page to volunteer before or after the conference by CLICKING HERE.

Depending on demand, we will offer a couple of daily options. During Shabbat, there will be several different minyanim to attend.

In order to include everyone, we will adhere in public spaces to the fullest halachic observance possible and ask that participants be respectful of everyone’s practice. People may do what they wish in their dorm rooms. You can indicate that you are Shomer Shabbat on your registration form, and we will pair you with a roommate who is also Shomer Shabbat. There will be multiple minyanim for people with different Shabbat practices.

There is no dress code at NewCAJE. Many will be in casual clothes; others feel the need to dress more professionally. Please respect everyone, as this is an inclusive and pluralistic event.

All personal toiletries, including soap and shampoo

Residents will receive a linen packet with a pillow, pillow case, fit and flat sheets, blanket, and three towels in varying sizes. We recommend bringing your own bath towel. 

Hangers (the closet may not come with any hangers)

Summer pajamas for the nighttime (dorms are not  air-conditioned)


Sweater for the daytime (classrooms are air-conditioned)

Hat, rain gear, and/or umbrella

Alarm (please note there is no “wake-up” service)

Comfortable shoes or sneakers

Casual/semi-casual clothing

Shower shoes

Siddur, Tanach

Kippah, tallit, and tefillin

Cell phone with charger


Pens, pencils, paper, etc

Business cards

Checkbook, credit cards, or cash for the Exhibit area

Flash Drives (so presenters can give you their presentations!)

You can submit your commemorative word, or we can write it for you.  We need the address for the next of kin and what they did in the Jewish world.   This will go in the program book.   CLICK HERE to submit your commemorative words. Please fill out this form by June 15th so we’ll have time to put it in the book before it goes to print.

If you have any questions about registration or are having technical difficulties, please get in touch with Stacey at stacey@newcaje.org or 402-765-8884

Visit this link for more informations. Upon exploring Advertisers, Exhibitors, and Sponsors, should any inquiries arise regarding exhibitors, please feel free to reach out to Stacey at stacey@newcaje.org or call 402-765-8884.